Release time:2014-12-19 Source:thinktank Browse:1368
Chongqin was known as city of fog, city of mountain. Recently, led by the general manager-DengHong, we came to this beautiful city and opened ‘2014 Hero product promotion inChongqin.’ Pre- sales and technical staffs’ visits have laid solid foundationfor this meeting’s smooth running. Inaddition ,due to the effort Chongqing Institute of chief engineer Huang and ouragents, Chongqing Zhengxun Equipment Co. , Ltd and Chongqing Chan Investmentsalso gave strong support for this meeting. Here, we are deeply grateful .
The conference kicked off under the ethusiasticcongratulations given by the chief engineer Huang in Chongqing Institute. Heaffirmed the products and gave high praise to “Hero” products. We are requiredto further increase product promotion efforts, to fully understand the demandof gas fire products . The main theme of the meeting was around the gas fireextinguishing system design. The firstpart of the meeting , we used the vivid PPT presentation skillfully tointroduce the basic situation of Think Tank fire and the corporate culture. Thesecond part focused mainly on ‘Hero’ products , so that customers could fullyunderstand the advanced, mature and innovated qualities of ‘Hero’ products. As a professional manufacturerof gas , our company has devoted itself to the development of the industry,progress, product innovation , whichmakes the production technology remain on the leading level on domesticmarket. Our three systems have their own advantages ,in the specific project , our technical staff are based on the actual situationto choose the right system for customers to develop the most economical ,reasonable and safe solution. The third part of our company focused on some ofthe problems in the design and construction of gas fire extinguishing systemand came up with specific project cases analysis , analyzing from both theoryand practice to explain the rationality of the entire design . Our designersalso came to the spot and had frequent interaction with us to discuss the problems encountered during thedesign stage. As a professional manufacturer, we do our best to provide themost reasonable solution for our partners. Subsequently, Mr. Deng Hong ,general manager of the company, participated in the final round of theinteractive Q & A session. Peopleactively expressed their views , communicated and discussed the problems forthe market , the entire conference was full of harmony , which draw a satisfactory conclusion for thefirst product promotion in Chongqing.
The description showed the most professional, mostsincere side of Think Tank fire. It established a smooth communication platformamong designers, which Between designers and established a smooth communicationplatform , which laid a good foundation for further cooperation in the futureof technology exchange, new product development and promotion . At the sametime , with a strong foundation and expertise sincere and pragmatic spirit , ourcompany has been fully recognized by the institute of design. in thehope of communication and cooperation in the future, we can gradually win the acceptanceof our partners to provide better service with our professional, safe andreliable qualities.