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Congratulations to Think Tank fire for being awarded

Release time:2015-05-07 Source:thinktank Browse:1137

      On the morning of April 27th, theaward ceremony of <the first batch of temporary first class certificatesspecilizing in fire-fighting skill service institute> was held in Hangzhou. Zhejiangprovince public security fire department awarded the temporary certificates to12 units being verified. Think Tank fire past the verification and become oneof the enterprises being awarded the tempory first class certificate.

      Zhejiang public security fire department vice captain Lv Zhaoming、fire department captain Zhou Zhizhong and somerelated staffs in fire department take part in the awarding ceremony. Themeeting introduced the verifing situation of social fire-fighting skill serviceinstitute temporary qualifications, awarding temporary certificates. Thedirector of marketing in Think Tank fire, Chang Fei, was on behalf of thecompany, announcing the proposal of ‘standardize fire –fighting skill servicefield, improve the service quality of fire-fighting skill service’. Also, hesigned <promise for fire-fighting skill service institute>.

      This temporary first class qualification hassignificant strategic importance, which is also the priority for contructionfire-fighting facilities’ checking, fixing and maintenance. It means that ourcompany’s market development ability has been improved in the field offire-fighting. This can do good to enlarge our company’s business range, toimprove our company’s business level. This can also improve our company’smarket competitiveness and foreign brand advantage. 

      In the future, Think Tank fire can take theopportunity of this and take action based on No.129 of public security fire departmentand <zhejiang provice social fire-fighting skill service institute’stemporary managing method>, which can provide better fire-fighting skillservice. 

