Release time:2015-05-11 Source:Thinktank Browse:1526
After the activities of ‘entering into America’、‘enteringinto Africa、’‘entering into Middle and Western Europe’,from April 20th to April 27th, our Think Tank Firerepresentative group was led by the general mangager-Deng Hong to take part inthe ‘2015 Zhejiang enterprise one bond one road symposium, which was held byChina international trade promotion committee Zhejiang branch aiming to enter intomalaysia and UAE.
This time’s industrial symposium in Zhejiang province was topromote the related trade and cooperation between Zhejiang government andmarine silk road, aiming to help Zhejiang enterprises explore internationaleconomy & trade cooperation channel. Zhejiang provincial party committee secretary, director of the standingcommittee of the provincial Xia Baolong in zhejiang province, zhejiangprovincial party committee, deputy secretary Wang Huizhong and President of theinternational chamber of commerce of zhejiang province Wu Guiying personallyled the delegation to attend the event.
On April 21, "2015 China international fair for investmentand trade in zhejiang province - Malaysia" opened in KualaLumpur.Provincial party committee secretary, director of the standing committeeof the provincial Xia Baolong attended the opening ceremony and made a keynotespeech. Prime minister of Malaysia envoyto China, President of Malaysia&China business council, Malaysia's vice minister for trade&industry cooper Li Zhiliang, Chinese ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang,President of the international chamber of commerce of Zhejiang province WuGuiying, President of Malaysia Chinese chamber of commerce Dai Liangyeaddressed the opening ceremony.
On April 26, "2015 zhejiang enterprises into the UAEsharjah symposium" the series of activities was held in sachia chamber ofcommerce tower.Vice secretary of zhejiang province Wang Huizhong attended theactivity to give a keynote lecture, sharjah, chairman of the chamber ofcommerce, abdullah abdullah, sultan, ali jose gas, consul general Tang Weibinconsulate of China in dubai, President of ccpit (international chamber ofcommerce), zhejiang province, zhejiang province gui-ying wu delivered a speechat the opening ceremony.
In the enterprise’s syposium over this period, our companytalked with the local enterprise face to face. An enterprise representativeMohamed Alhosani intended to be our agent in UAE, both sides discussed aboutthe agent method and how to explore Middle-East marke, reaching the prelimilarycooperation intention. Apart from the cooperation method of being our agent,another enterprise representative Omer hoped to invest and have a joint-venturecompany, in which our side would provide skills and products while other sidewould be responsible for exploring market. The detailed cooperation plan willbe discussed later.
Attending this entering intoMalaysia and UAE "2015 zhejiangenterprises one bond one road symposium " series activities all the way iswe implement the strategy of "going out" of another important step,for our brand "flipping" sea, explore the overseas market has playeda good role in promoting for our strategy of "going out" opened a newchapter. All the way through thisactivity, we further understand the significant influence brought by ‘one bond, one road’ openingsituation. And we understand the fireindustry development trend and demand in the international market, widening thechannels for overseas marketing, fully understanding the overseas fire marketprospects and opportunities. In the meanwhile, we realize that we should improvethe level of research and development, improving production technology, perfectingafter-sales service ability of urgency and sense of mission.
Focus on the future, we are along way to go. Think Tank people will be with brand-new posture to meet newopportunities and challenges, based on now, think globally, in order to"serve more people and contribute to the improvement of the environment,contribute to human science and technology progress" for the mission,promoting ‘Hero’ series gas fire extinguishing products to go out of China andgo towards the world. We will takeeffort to make Think Tank a production base and fire extinguishingtechonology&research base, making contributions to the world’sfire-extinguishing filed.