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Enter into German Hannover fire extinguishing exhibition explore the international development road of enterprises ----record Think Tank Fire visit German Hannover internation safety(protection、labor insurance、fire extinguishing、saving)exhibition

Release time:2015-07-14 Source:Thinktank Browse:1925

  general manager Mr Deng led management team to visit Hanover fire exhibition 

the exibition scene

General manager Mr Deng communicates with exhibitors friendly

communicate with exhibitors further, explore cooperation intention

      On June 8, 2015, five years of Hanover,Germany international security (protection, labor insurance, fire fighting,rescue) exhibition (INTERSCHUTZ 2015) (hereinafter referred to as the Hanoverfire exhibition) in Hanover, Germany, more than 1500 exhibitors from 51countries took part in this exhibition, bringing their latest products andservices to show the latest level of the world's fire protection industrydevelopment. Think Tank Fire also took this opportunity, led by general managerDeng Hong, director of marketing system Chang Fei, director of manufacteringzhang jianguo, director of the administrative system Ma Wenting, director ofresearch and development of quality system Wang Jiangling visiting the fireindustry grand exhibition in Germany.

       Hanover, Germany international security(protection, labor insurance, fire fighting and rescue) exhibition, sponsoredby hannover exhibition group, through together with business, governmentagencies and public institutions to guarantee the safety of the people, blockproduced in the process of production and living of human injury and deathaccidents. The exhibition is a worldwide famous fire industry event withworldwide popularity and influence.  thenumber of exhibitors and professional degree are ranked as the firstplace.  Since the exhibition continue togrow stronger, dedicating to gather global manufacturers, service providers,non-profit institutions and experts and scholars of fire-fighting, emergency,rescue to build the world's largest platform.The fire exhibition lasted forfive days,  closing on June 13.  There are about more than 1500 exhibitorsfrom 51 countries taking part in the exhibition, a total of 157000 theenthusiasm of the audience attracted from all over the world, whether theexhibition scale, attract the number had created the record, become the worldon fire, disaster relief and security community.   

      This exhibition for Hanover fire showcontinues its style, showing the latest techniques、trend and services for protection, prevention, rescue and accidentearly warning of the latest technology.  The audiences can see the most advanced technical assistance,monitoring, surveillance systems, as well as communication equipment, etc., Atthe same time, it also exhibited including: protective clothing and protectiveequipment, rescue, first aid and medical equipment, the latest fire andrescue/emergency vehicles, positioning system, measuring reconnaissanceequipment, control and alarm equipment, buildings fire protection, vehiclespecial fire equipment and fire stations, etc.Hanover fire exhibition"live show" is also a highlight of each exhibition, it not only has drill,emergency drills, controlling room and alarm setting, whether it's a planecrash or a bus accident, fire, police, first aid team and aid agencies haveon-site demonstration of the exhibition hall, in the open for the public toshow real work of public security guards and tasks.

      As the first visit to a large professionalexhibition abroad for the first time, this time also let us Think Tank firemanagement team have a brand new realization for the development of the fireindustry, our products and technology.We focus on a visit to the fire fightingproducts and accessories of all kinds of exhibition booth, see the"rolls" in the field of gas fire extinguishing system manufacturer,also appreciate the "aircraft carrier" in the field of security, notonly saw the rich variety of products manufacturers, but also met some peers inthe field of focusing on one without exception, they warm reception, therigorous work attitude and pride of the love of the fire industry and products,have affected us deeply.Whether do specifically, do fine, or to do bigger andstronger, the europeans, especially German meticulous professional attitude,are worthy of our learning because they not only product quality goods, but alsothe product into works of art.   in such a manner, made in Germany, is wellknown in the world, and also is deserved.In this exhibition, in addition to theexhibitors from the host nation Germany, there are many exhibitors from China,Italy and the United States, in particular, more and more Chinese exhibitors,let everybody to shine at the moment.Can be seen in the international exhibition,many "Chinese face" also makes us feel exciting, we communicate withthem, understanding their route of "internationalization", comparingthe development of our current situation, the discussion of the futuredevelopment of route, we benefit a lot from their experience.

      Through this exhibition, each managementstaff demostrates, we not only see the world’s advanced fire-extinguishingproducts, especially gas fire extinguishing system products, knowing about theirtechnique advantages, finding our deficiency and disadvantage, making sureabout the direction of progress; in the meanwhile,we contact with manyinternational advanced manufacturers and have deeper cooperation throughfurther communication, improving products’qualities together and promoting theprocess of globalization. 

       “goingout” is not a slogon, to every person in Think Tank, how to process step bystep and promote this work stably is the problem that we should think about.  “introduction、digestion、absorption andthen innovation” is the guiding ideology of our products’ research anddevelopment. We need to see more、ask more、think more under this kind of thinking guidance to perfect productprocess,improve product quality,optimize product quality, enlarge internationalproducts’ coverage, establish sales chanels and modes adapting to each place’sdevelopment, promoting Hero to international stage of fire products. We believethat maybe next time, we can see Think Tank fire and the figure of Hero on thefire event worldwide.  

